Welcome to the intertubes.
Hello Internet!
It's been a while since that time I was chatting with my friends at work about <insert tech topic here>
and I thought to myself: "I should have a blog", and that time was particularly special from the other 1.000 times I said to myself the exact same thing without ever even considering actually going for it.
This time I had stuff to talk about. Who knew, after 6 years on the industry apparently you start developing opinions and thoughts. Weird.
There's many reasons why I wanted to start a blog, namely:
- Facebook is not a blog.
- Twitter is not a blog.
- Gist is not a blog.
- The Bus from Resistencia - Retiro takes fucking 17hs, gotta kill that time doing something...
- A few months ago in an incredible act of vanity I bought matixfigueroa.com, matixfigueroa.com.ar and figueroa.mn (you know, just in case).
- It's Free! (Well mostly).
- All the cool kids had one.
- To earn millons of dollars. (?)
Anyway this is my first actual attempt to get into this bloggy thingy.
But... who are you anyway?
Sorry, offtopic. Here's Resistencia on a map:
Don't let the north-of-argentina-south-of-america fool you, there's A LOT of talent around here.
I started working as a freelance Web Designer during my senior year at highschool, you know, while all the other kids were clubbing and having sex like it's the end of the world... yeah I was animating banners in flash, partyyyyy!!! woo!!!
I was actually pretty committed to start studying Graphic Design during that time. The thing that changed everything was when while animating yet another flash banner I discovered the "Scripting" Panel in Flash.
What is this? A Notepad? 4 weeks of research and one book later I was hooked on the coding vice.
I decided to start studying IT engenieering after that, and I did... aaand I dropped out, but that's a story for another post...
Later on my career I was hired by Sismogames, an Argentinian startup that develops online Flash games.
To this day it remains the most fun I had programming.
Gamming is THE best way to start a Programming career, there's nothing you will not have to learn to make a game work, and work well, and appeal to target audiences.
For the past 4 years I've been working at Globant, my first "serious" job, meaning one where I actually have a stable income. Otherwise it's not serious at all. There's a lot of great people here that makes working a lot a of fun no matter how screwed up your latest deploy got.
I specialize on UI (User Interaction) Development, I make pretty buttons and cool slides, I pimp yo' webapp, and I also architect your frontend so it's scalable, maintainable, performant and of course, pretty as a barbie doll.
My job is to make sure Javascript won't bite you and your team while you look at your facebook on your lunch break... and, suprinsingly, I have a lot of fun doing so.
But hey! It's not ALL about CODE with me! There's also... Synthesizers! Yeahh! (WHAT.A.NERD.)
What can you expect from this blog?
Well, mostly tech stuff, as I said I'm a huge Web development Nerd.
But I also want to make this a place for me to journal significant events on my life, so there will be stuff like that too.
But hey! Don't you Argentinians speak that Spanish Lingo??? Well yes indeed, Sir, I do speak the Language of Romance, but for the purposes of this blog I like to keep things simple and reachable, English gives me that, so might as well practice it a little.
Y si no te gusta jodete...
Soo that's it for now, see you in future posts.
I encourage you to comment, I love feedback, I live for feedback, tell me about your blog, give me advice, or just say Hi.
And Let's blog like it's 1990!